About US

We help veterans and we don't pay ourselves to do it. 

A core focus of the Road Warrior Foundation is to help veterans on their path to healing. The hardest injury to repair is the one you can’t see, and we aim to attack that problem with the same passion and drive we learned serving our country. We started down this path in 2013 with one goal: TO HEAL OUR BOTHERS AND SISTERS AND NOT TAKE A DIME FOR OURSELVES.

At the very beginning, it was two Friends and Brothers in Arms looking to make a difference. Steve Berger and Craig Anders first met at the Air Force Academy in 1997 and became fast friends attending pilot training together and serving together. In 2013, they were discussing ways to make a difference for their fellow service members and the concept of “adventure therapy” hit them. This was a natural tie for both of them, and they had both seen the power of adventure in the healing process. They agreed they needed to start an organization that made an impact, but wasn’t “big business.” They wanted little overhead and no salaries to ensure every dollar went where it was needed most – directly to veterans.

Since then, the Foundation has grown significantly by bringing in other individuals with common goals, many of them alumni of our program interested in being a critical part of the very thing that helped them. Our team of dedicated individuals has given countless hours of their time to ensure top notch adventure therapy is available to other veterans. 

The Road Warrior Foundation puts people in situations never thought possible post-injury, and show them they are still the same outgoing, confident person as before. We remind heroes of their worth and their value to society and we build a family-focused atmosphere to help, not just during our events, but well beyond. We keep our alumni close and ensure they have the resources they need to be successful on their healing path and in life.

We will spend every dollar raised in a moral, righteous manner to ensure our heroes in need are taken care of and learn how to find their way back!